Office Carousels

Office Carousels:

Efficient, Ergonomic and Versatile

At the touch of a button or better still, at the flash of a bar-code, the selected shelf is positioned in front of the operator and a light indicates the location of your desired record, making file retrieval more efficient (with access to records in a matter of seconds).

Filing Carousels can fully utilise the room height ensuring a maximum capacity and minimal footprint when storing your documents. Space savings of up to 80% can be achieved when compared to conventional storage systems.

Let’s Compare!

Giroclass Carousel Specifications

ModelCarrier WidthCarrier DepthCarrier HeightMachine DepthMachine Width
= Carrier + mm
Machine HeightCarrier LoadTotal Load
P150c1580 - 2960mm340205 - 357mm980mm+ 340mm2200 - 5980mm110Kg5279Kg
P1601820 - 2880mm340/400199 - 357mm1159mm+ 400mm2215 - 6025mm180Kg5999Kg

Rotoffice Carousel specifications

ModelCarrier WidthCarrier DepthCarrier HeightMachine DepthMachine Width
= Carrier + mm
Machine HeightCarrier LoadTotal Load
RTS1500 - 2782mm365mm210 - 360mm<1168mm+ 396mm2050 - 3770mm130Kg3250Kg
RTD2332 - 2782mm415mm210 - 360mm<1168mm+ 396mm2050 - 3770mm130Kg3250Kg